Farming for a ‘Living Soil’

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Minimum tillage and respecting vegative cover is a key tenant of ‘living soil’ approaches to farming. Excessive cultivation leads to the breakdown of soil structure which rapidly leads to compaction and infertility. ‘Goat Valley’ is our largest planting area and it came to us in degraded condition which we are working to restore. Cultivation for planting simply involves the deep ripping of the planting rows, spraying out of bio-dynamic preparations to encourage biological activity before the plants are settled in the rows for their life on the farm. Existing vegetative covered is retained between the rows as a permanent and living source of organic matter above and below the soil surface.

Minimum tillage and respecting vegative cover is a key tenant of ‘living soil’ approaches to farming. Excessive cultivation leads to the breakdown of soil structure which rapidly leads to compaction and infertility. ‘Goat Valley’ is our largest planting area and it came to us in degraded condition which we are working to restore. Cultivation for […]

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